Army to shift its Training Command Headquarters to Meerut

In the near future, the Indian Army plans to shift its training command headquarters from Shimla in Himachal Pradesh to Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.
“The Training Command is now planned to be shifted from Shimla to Meerut to save costs and man-hours spent in travelling from the headquarters to the hill location,” senior Army sources said in New Delhi.
The move is part of the ongoing restructuring that is being carried out at multiple levels by the Army. The restructuring of the army headquarters will see the role of the Director General of Military Training being given to ARTRAC.
“Meerut would be better suited for establishing the training command headquarters as it is getting connected by an express highway and a rapid rail transit corridor is also being established,” the sources said.
The exercise to restructure the army is based on four comprehensive studies led by the army’s topmost generals, and seeks to change the direction of the 1.3 million-strong force and transform it into a deadlier fighting machine prepared for future wars.
Army sources said the headquarters needs to be moved out of Shimla to a new location that has better infrastructure, as the command’s role will expand after the restructuring.