HSSC JE Admit Card 2019 released : Here’s how to download the Admit Card

Haryana Staff Selection Commission will soon conduct the Junior Engineer Exam as they have released the HSSC JE Admit card 2019. The candidates who have applied for the exam can download their admit card for JE Exam 2019. The admit card is made available on the official website of HSSC.i.e.hssc.gov.in.
There are a total of 1624 vacancies. Therefore, 1624 vacancies will be recruited by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission through this recruitment. The HSSC JE Civil Exam is scheduled to be held on 31 August while the HSSC JE Mechanical and Horticulture Exam/HSSC Electrical Exam is scheduled to be held on 01 September 2019 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM.
HSSC JE Admit Card 2019 : Here’s how to download the Admit Card
1.) Visit the official website.i.e.hssc.gov.in.
2.) You will be directed to the homepage, click on HSSC JE Admit Card 2019
3.) Enter the required credentials and click on the submit button.
4.) The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
5.) The candidates can take a printout of the admit card for future reference.