Telangana TSLPRB Police recruitment 2019 PMT, PET result released : Here’s how to check

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) has released result for the Physical Measurement Test and the Physical Efficiency test on its official website
Out of 2,24,741 candidates who appeared for the Physical Measurement Test and the Physical Efficiency test, 1,17,660 have qualified and have become eligible for Final Written Examination (FWE). The PET and PMT were earlier conducted from February 11.
The PMT/PET exam has concluded, and out of 54,198, there will be 44,226 men and 9,972 women who will remain in the competition for 1,217 posts of sub-inspector (SI) civil. For notified posts of PC Civil, there will be 80,527 men eligible for the post out of 1,05,061, while the remaining 24,534 will be women.
“More than 1 lakh and 5 thousand Candidates will be taking the Final Written Examination for the Post of PC Civil and/or equivalent this time which is nearly 25 thousand more than the Candidates of the previous Recruitment which was slightly more than 81 thousand. Similarly, more than 54 thousand Candidates will be taking the FWE for the Post of SI Civil and/or equivalent now which is approximately 21 thousand more than the Candidates of the previous Recruitment numbering around 33 thousand. Nearly 5 times the Candidates of FWE of SI / ASI Technical which was approximately 600 – that is more than 3 thousand Candidates will appear this time and nearly 9 thousand PC Technical Candidates will be taking FWE in the present Recruitment which is much higher than the nearly 5 thousand Candidates who appeared in FWE in the previous Recruitment” the official notification said.
Telangana TSLPRB Police recruitment 2019 : How to check the result
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the candidates’ log-in section
Step 3: Log-in using the registration number
Step 4: Check result and save for future use
A total of 1,18, 428 vacancies will be filled through this recruitment drive. The official notification also says that over 1.5 lakh candidates will be taking the final written exam for the post of PC Civil. Similarly, more than 54,000 candidates will be giving the FWE for the post of sub-inspector (SI) civil.