UNSC reforms depends on will and political commitment of member states: UNGA President

United Nations General Assembly President, Fernanda Espinosa said that United Nations Security Council reforms depends on the political will of member states and need further conversation and dialogue with the permanent five countries.
Espinosa said in an interview, “It depends so much on the will and political commitments of member states. Of course, as President I can make sure that the conditions are set but I cannot replace the political will of member states. This is something that I cannot do. I will do my share; make sure that I have good co-facilitators”.
She said, “It is very obvious we need also further conversation and dialogue with the permanent five countries. This is a fact. They are very important players in this discussion”.
She added, “I think we should have the opportunity to have an open dialogue with the P-5 countries. It is very important to note that there are a big number of countries that are interested in pushing for text based negotiations but there are others, not only the P-5 but other countries that have different positions”.
US, China, Russia, France and UK are the permanent members in 15 nations Security Council.
She said that for UNSC reform there is a process that is going on for 25 years. The Inter-Governmental Negotiations (IGN) was created 10 years ago. Espinosa said that Security Council reforms are necessary and important but other areas are also there to work.
She said, “Sometimes we tend to focus on only one thing, put all the energy there. I am not saying that the UN Security Council reforms are not important. It is very important but I think we need to deliver on other key issues”.
India is putting efforts for a decade for UN Security Council reforms. During BRICS foreign ministers meeting on sidelines of 73rd UN General Assembly, External Affairs Minister of India said that instead of being divided we have to come up with a stronger voice for changes in UN Security Council.