US exempt India from certain sanctions for development of Chabahar Port and Rail link to Afghanistan

A spokesperson of department of Sate of the United States said that US has provided India an exemption from sanctions with respect to Chabahar Port and the Railway line to connect Afghanistan and this exemption relates to the reconstruction and economic development of Afghanistan.
The State department spokesperson said, “After extensive consideration, the Secretary (of State) has provided for an exception from imposition of certain sanctions under the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012, with respect to the development of Chabahar Port, construction of an associated railway and for shipment of non-sanctionable goods through the port for Afghanistan’s use, as well as the country’s continued imports of Iranian petroleum products”.
He said, “This exception relates to reconstruction assistance and economic development for Afghanistan. These activities are vital for the ongoing support of Afghanistan’s growth and humanitarian relief”.
US exempts India from certain sanctions for Chabahar Port in Iran
— ET Intl Business (@ETIntlBusiness) November 7, 2018
The spokesperson mentioned that as per US’ South Asia strategy US want to develop a close partnership with India and supports economic growth and development of war torn Afghanistan and the close relationship with both countries will help in executing the policy of maximum pressure on Iran.
Spokesperson said, “The president’s South Asia strategy underscores our ongoing support of Afghanistan’s economic growth and development as well as our close partnership with India”.
The spokesperson added, “We seek to build on our close relationships with both the countries as we execute a policy of maximum pressure to change the Iranian regime’s destabilising policies in the region and beyond”.
US President Donald Trump pulled out of Iran nuclear deal on May 8 and announced to re-impose sanctions on Iran in two phases. First phase sanctions were in full force from August 7 and second phase sanctions targeting Iran’s oil and gas sector and its Central bank were implemented on November 5.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have described these sanctions as the toughest ever sanctions on Iran and vowed to bring down the Iranian oil exports to zero.