WBJEE Counselling 2019, Registration Begins : Here’s how to register yourself

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board has started WBJEE 2019 Counselling for the qualified candidates of both JEE Main and WBJEE qualified candidates.
The registration process for counselling has already started in various technical courses in West Bengal. The process can also be completed on the official website. The candidates who have appeared in the test can visit the official website wbjeeb.nic.in.
This year, the WBJEE 2019 was conducted on May 26, 2019. The examination was conducted in two shifts – Paper 1 from 11 am to 1 pm and Paper 2 from 2 to 4 pm. According to the schedule announced by WBJEEB, the registration and choice fillIing will be opened till June 29, and July 3rd is decided to be the result day for the seat allocation results for the first round.
WBJEE Counselling 2019 : Follow the steps to register yourself
1.) Visit the official website of the exam board – wbjeeb.nic.in
2.) On the homepage, you will find a link which says, ‘WBJEE Counselling 2019’,
3.) Cick on the link and click on ‘Registration and Choice Filling’
4.) Login to the website using your roll number, password, security code
5.) Enter details as required and click on submit option
6.) Pay the counselling fee amount, as per your preference select colleges and courses
7.) Click on submit button to complete the process