JoSAA 7th Round Seat Allotment Result 2019 Released : Here’s how to download the result

The Joint Seat Allocation Authority(JoSAA) has released the results for the JoSSA Seat Allotment for the 7th Round have been declared. The result is released in the online mode through the official website of JoSSA. Earlier this week, the JoSAA 6th round seat allotment list was released on July 15.
The result is made available on the official website. The candidates who are waiting for the seat allotment can check their seat allotment on the official website
In order to check the allotted list of seventh round candidates are required to logon with their JEE Main application number, password and security pin.
JoSAA 7th Round Seat Allotment Result 2019 : Follow the steps to download the result
1.) Visit the official website
2.) Click on the link which says ‘View Seat Allotment Result of Round 7’
3.) Enter JEE Main Application number, password and security pin
4.) Click ‘Login’. The JoSAA 7th Seat Allotment Result 2019 will be displayed on the computer screen
5.) Download or take a printout for future reference.